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    Death By Audio Germanium Filter

    Death By Audio Germanium Filter

    116.000 Ft

    4-8 napon belül átvehető

    Technikai paraméterek


    The Germanium Filter is our love letter to sticking a pencil in your speaker. Start with a console-style drive circuit, add in a dash of obsolete germanium transistors, and finish it off with a super intense DBA-style filter!
    The Filter control is extremely unconventional, it'll take you from bottomless, sub-woofered out lows to super searing and brittle highs, with a universe of tone in between.
    The Gain knob starts with a dirty boost that then spans through saturated drive, spitting distortion, and a blistering fuzz tone.  Get ready for your sound to be cranked up to infinity!
    There is also an internal Volume control for more versatility.
    Lifetime Guarantee, handmade in Queens, NYC.
    Controls: Filter, gain.

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