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A gain-király három üzemmóddal, 100 wattal és egy tiszta csatornával.
VX100 The Super Kraken is evolved from the award winning Compact Series VX The Kraken, developed with Rabea Massaad
The Kraken has morphed into an even more powerful beast via 100 massive watts of 6L6 power. You still get the Brit-inspired Gain I channel. You still get the colossal smack of Gain II’s US grind… but now there’s a whole new footswitchable clean mode, plus a footswitchable Preamp Focus function to add a little juice and cut to any and all modes. There’s also a preset Bass Focus option in the power section, footswitchable FX loop, assignable/ footswitchable dual master volumes… plus a useful 30-watt low-power mode for when you don’t need to blow the roof off. And, of course, MIDI switching capability.!
Max. teljesítmény: 100/30 Watt
Csatorna: Clean és Crunch (lábkapcsolható)
Gombok: Gain I, Gain II, Treble, Middle, Bass, Master 1, Master 2
Csövek: 4db ECC83 előfokcső, 4db EL34 vagy 6L6 végfokcső
Soros effekt loop
Szélesség: 48 cm
Magasság: 23.5 cm
Mélység: 23.5 cm
Súly: 23 kg