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Teljesítmény, hordozhatóság és hihetetlen sokoldalúság.
Originally developed with Guthrie Govan as his ‘flying amp’, the V30 MKII features an all-new Clean-channel Crunch mode and the footswitchable 'Nomod' function to offer two levels of bass response
The original V30 has very distinct clean and overdrive channels. There is massive headroom and clarity in the former, with a ton of heavy rocking overdrive in the latter. With V30MKII, we’ve added an extra footswitchable crunch mode to the clean channel – developed for V130 The Super Jack– that offers a whole new palette of pushed clean, crunch and light overdrive tones to the party. Along with the new 'Nomod' function, the V30 is now the ultimate ultra-compact all-rounder.
The Jack changed from the Countess in late 2020 to better represent the versatility of the amplifier, it’s still the same amplifier inside and the changes made are purely visual and in name.
Max. teljesítmény: 42/7 Watt
Csatorna: Clean és Crunch (lábkapcsolható)
Gombok: Gain I, Gain II, Treble, Middle, Bass, Master 1, Master 2
Csövek: 4db 12AX7 előfokcső, 2db 6L6 végfokcső
Soros effekt loop
Szélesség: 34 cm
Magasság: 18 cm
Mélység: 18 cm
Súly: 8 kg
Két lábkapcsoló