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159.000 Ft
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Wren and Cuff has always been known for vintage Muff recreations, and when the full size original Caprid hit the scene in 2012 it was an instant hit, getting rave reviews from magazines, pro players, and the pedal community at large. It had a great 5 year run. The pedal was then placed on hiatus in 2017 due to the manufacturing cost of having the big metal beast of an enclosure made by a small shop in Los Angeles. After many years and many requests, Wren and Cuff have finally given in and reissued their famous Caprid OG. This special edition Blue-Violet Caprid is a reproduction of the famed mid-'70s 'violet-era' Ram's Head Muff. This pedal contains three hand-selected orange-dot and one violet-dot transistors, 1/2 watt carbon composition resistors, and the highest quality caps and components Wren and Cuff could find. The tone is saturated and even - turn the gain up, and you get a milky warm sea of sustain, earthy lows, and a rich top-end with just the right amount of that signature Muff mid-scoop. As generic as the term is, 'violin-like sustain' is exactly the way to describe the way this pedal grabs hold of a note.