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basszus overdrive
The One Control Blackberry Bass OD hearkens back to the original BJFe Blueberry Bass Overdrive model, one of the classics from early BJFe production. This is a very light overdrive pedal specifically designed for bass players (but also great on guitars) that helps to create a slightly overdriven and more present bass tone at any volume and with any amplifier! Many players have described this quality as 'grit' - similar to a large tube bass amp being driven hard at concert volume, but now in a pedal format. Bjorn Juhl has taken the very first BBOD model he ever created as a basis, and then added a new Body knob to the original circuit, enabling the player to precisely dial in the midrange 'body' frequencies of their tone to make the bass guitar more prominent in the mix without increasing the overall volume. This version is one of One Control's bass-specific tools to enhance your low end presence. It’s also a secret weapon for the downtuned and 7/8 string guitar brigade, with a new heaviness for that lower frequency spectrum.