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    Catalinbread Many Worlds

    Catalinbread Many Worlds

    99.000 Ft

    4-8 napon belül átvehető

    Technikai paraméterek


    The Many Worlds is an eight-stage phaser with eight selectable phase control parameters, six LFOs and two envelope-dependent phase shift modes. The Many Worlds features a robust LFO engine with classics like sine and square sharing the same control with reverse sawtooth and two independently controlled and intermodulating sine waves. Lastly, Catalinbread have added envelope-dependent phase shift–both up and down–letting you control the phase shift with your pick attack, rather than driving it with an LFO. This gives you an autowah-esque manually controlled phase shifting experience.

    The idea for Many Worlds began when Catalinbread were experimenting with different LFO shapes for a phaser project–initially starting with the core of the classic "orange box" phaser but with a number of extra features. This LFO framework eventually led to experiments involving the modulation of one LFO by another. This is where the name Many Worlds comes from—the "Many Worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics is a theory by Hugh Everette which states that quantum wave function collapse is actually the superposition of quantum states built by the decoherence of independent wave functions. This leads to the theory of parallel universes where quantum measurements have opposite results.

    Catalinbread Many Worlds

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